
Reading Dr. Mark Gisbourne about the topic "Effect and affect in informal painting" | 04.06.2023

The reading took place in the context of the exhibition "S O I L. Christine Jackob-Marks" (27.04.-06.06.2023) and refers in focal points to the work of the painter

Christine Jackob-Marks, Gisbourne, Mark, effect, affect, informal, painting, german painting, art historian, feinart berlin

Panel talk with Dr. Eckhart Gillen | 25.02.2023

In the context of the exhibition "GRAPHICS. Wolfgang Petrick - Ulrich Reimkasten - Mathias Roloff"

1. Introduction in vita and work of Wolfgang Petrick

2. Introduction in vita and work of Ulrich Reimkasten

3. Vita and work of Mathias Roloff / Discussion with Wolfgang Petrick

Cello concert Anton Peisakhov | 17.12.2022

Cello, concert, Anton Peisakhov, feinart berlin, Berlin, exhibition, art, music

Introduction by Frank W. Weber: "Sibyl Smile. C.D. Aschaffenburg and Maria Wirth" | 01.12.2022

Frank Weber, feinart berlin, exhibition, art, Berlin, opening reception, introduction, Maria Wirth, C.D. Aschaffenburg
Lilian Noetzel, reading, Elisabeth, Störmer-Hemmelgarn, exhibition, feinart berlin, gallery

Tale of Recreation | 05.11.2022
Lilian Noetzel

The Berlin author created the text inspired by the works of painter Elisabeth Störmer-Hemmelgarn, presented in feinart berlin gallery from 13.10. until 24.11.2022. It is about the standing still of time and what may could happen in this non-time.

Lilian Noetzel lives and works as an author, editor and lecturer in creative writing and German as a foreign language in Berlin. In 2004 her novel Belish's Garten was published by Piper, in 2015 she received the Georg K. Glaser Prize for the story Einer bleibt, dass er erzähle.
Publications in "Sprache im technischen Zeitalter", "Chaussee" and others.

The reading was supported by the "Neustart Kultur" program of Deutscher Literaturfonds.

Mathis Kopetzki, Berlin, reading, feinart berlin, Teheran, im Bauch, exhibition, novel

Teheran im Bauch - Wie meines Vaters Land mich fand | 03.09.2022
Autobiographic novel by Mathias Kopetzki (in German)

The Berlin actor Mathias Kopetzki, who grew up with German adoptive parents, decided at the age of thirty to travel to Tehran to get to know his biological father and his extended, strictly Muslim family. Through their painful past also conflicted with his own, he experiences the Islamic theocracy as a fascinating country full of contrasts and falls in love in the shadow of Iranian mosques with a cousine who begins a relationship with him despite the danger of death. 

In his exciting, humorous and touching story, Kopetzki draws the unusual picture of a metropolis in which restrictions are part of everyday life, family supports you, faith promises stability - but also that of a society in which nothing is as it seems. And he discovers that this journey to his origins is also a journey to himself ...

The reading was supported by the "Neustart Kultur" program of Deutscher Literaturfonds.

Silke Tobeler, reading, gallery, feinart berlin, novel, art brut, collage, exhibition

Collage -  An art brut crime story | 16.07.2022
A story by Silke Tobeler about art forgery, expropriation, East-West-Berlin-Prignitz-Germany, DADA, art brut and also a little bit of love on 470 pages.
The picture hanging in front of her is not a Schwitters, Netty Hamann is absolutely sure of that, after all she studied art. However, it is actually not Netty's way to share her knowledge. In general, Netty's life is pretty much in disarray, the job in the gallery gets on her nerves, as does her boyfriend. A new love doesn't fit into the concept at all, but feelings don't ask about the right time. And as if all that weren't enough, an art scandal begins to unfold right before Netty's eyes, with works of Art Brut and Dadaism at the center. Or maybe Netty herself is the center around which everything revolves?
The reading is in German language.

The art blogger and author Silke Tobeler writes short stories and essays as well as novels.
Work biography (excerpt)
2018 Bonner Literaturpreis for the short story: „Der Teppich“ ("The carpet")
2019 „Collage – Ein Art brut-Krimi“, Salsa-Verlag
2021 „Majulah! Gestrandet in Singapur“, NovaMD
2021 Zukunftsstipendium of the city of Hamburg
Silke Tobeler is currently writing a multi-generational trilogy.

The reading was supported by the "Neustart Kultur" program of Deutscher Literaturfonds.

Wildbahn Berlin. Photographies of 17 years Berlin art scene by Jan Sobottka | 05.08. - 02.09.2021

wildbahn berlin, jan sobottka, feinart berlin, photographie, ausstellung, wolfgang petrick
wildbahn berlin, jan sobottka, feinart berlin, photographie, ausstellung, maria wirth
wildbahn berlin, jan sobottka, feinart berlin, photographie, ausstellung, nänzi
wildbahn berlin, jan sobottka, feinart berlin, photographie, ausstellung, hermann kleinknecht
wildbahn berlin, jan sobottka, feinart berlin, photographie, ausstellung, jeannot simmen, angela dwyer
wildbahn berlin, jan sobottka, feinart berlin, photographie, ausstellung, wolfgang petrick, gerhard mantz
wildbahn berlin, jan sobottka, feinart berlin, photographie, ausstellung, gerard waskievitz
wildbahn berlin, jan sobottka, feinart berlin, photographie, ausstellung, angela dwyer
wildbahn berlin, jan sobottka, feinart berlin, photographie, ausstellung, bazon brock

Photo (c) / (c) Peter Groth

Lecture by Dr. Eckhart Gillen | 15.05.2021

about the exhibition "UTOPIER - Willi Sitte and Ulrich Reimkasten" (in German)

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>> See our gallery rooms in a 360° Panorama Visit by ART@Berlin:

gallery feinart berlin, contemporary art, exhibition, niebuhrstrasse 71, maria wirth, 3d, walk
gallery feinart berlin, contemporary art, exhibition, niebuhrstrasse 71, maria wirth
gallery feinart berlin, contemporary art, exhibition, niebuhrstrasse 71, maria wirth
gallery feinart berlin, contemporary art, exhibition, niebuhrstrasse 71, maria wirth
gallery feinart berlin, contemporary art, exhibition, niebuhrstrasse 71, maria wirth
gallery feinart berlin, contemporary art, exhibition, niebuhrstrasse 71, maria wirth
gallery feinart berlin, contemporary art, exhibition, niebuhrstrasse 71, maria wirth
gallery feinart berlin, contemporary art, exhibition, niebuhrstrasse 71, maria wirth, frauke bohge, das_leben_und_die_kunst
gallery feinart berlin, contemporary art, exhibition, niebuhrstrasse 71, maria wirth, anne hoenig
gallery feinart berlin, contemporary art, exhibition, niebuhrstrasse 71, maria wirth, siegfried kober
gallery feinart berlin, contemporary art, exhibition, niebuhrstrasse 71, maria wirth, siegfried kober
gallery feinart berlin, contemporary art, exhibition, niebuhrstrasse 71, maria wirth
feinart berlin, art, maria wirth, tiba, boriana pertchinska, sara assadi, maryam motallebzadeh, caty forden, mathias roloff
gallery feinart berlin, contemporary art, exhibition, niebuhrstrasse 71, jan beumelburg, c.d. aschaffenburg,
gallery feinart berlin, contemporary art, exhibition, niebuhrstrasse 71, maria wirth,, Mehrdad Mobasseri
gallery feinart berlin, contemporary art, exhibition, niebuhrstrasse 71, maria wirth, c.d. aschaffenburg
gallery feinart berlin, contemporary art, exhibition, niebuhrstrasse 71, maria wirth, christian kneisel, c.d. aschaffenburg
gallery feinart berlin, contemporary art, exhibition, niebuhrstrasse 71, maria wirth, c.d. aschaffenburg

Photos rooms: (c) Eric Tschernow  and (c) Sebastian Reinicke
Portraits: Jan Sobottka (c)

Artist talk Maria Wirth & Christian Kneisel | 17.09.2020

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Lilian Noetzel reads  her narration "Einer bleibt, dass er erzähle" | 18.07.2020

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For the narration "Einer bleibt, dass er erzähle" Lilian Noetzel received the award Georg-K.-Glaser-Förderpreis in 2015. The story describes the end of a relationship from a man's point of view, in which "the line of demarcation between your life and death", as it is said in the story, is tragically and touchingly crossed. Recorded in the feinart berlin gallery